The New Art School Rules!
Curated by John Rooney, Malcolm Garrett, Kat Au and John Owens.
The art school is a place where formative notions of creative endeavour are made; it is a complex space; it is as much a state of mind as a specific location and not every creative went to a “traditional” art school.
This exhibition presents a new collective manifesto of formative rules for creative practice made from more than 100 submissions received by the museum from contemporary artists, designers and image-makers.

Gallery Events
There are three, free talks in the gallery to complement this and the North West Art School Record Machine exhibition running concurrently:
Saturday 16 November at 2–4pm, Matthew Cornford and John Beck will give an introduction to the exhibition and its origins as a project making a photographic record of all of the art schools in the North West of England. Other events are also scheduled, check event listing for more detail.
Wednesday 20 November at 7–9pm,Bryan Biggs talks about collecting records and the phenomena of record sleeve design. Check event listing for more details.
Saturday 23 November at 4–6pm, Malcolm Garrett and Swifty, two very different, influential graphic designers, talk to Bryan Biggs about designing for the music industry. This will be followed by other exciting performance events, check event listing for more detail.
Bury Art Museum & Sculpture Centre is open daily from 10am until 5pm and until 4.30pm on Saturdays. It is closed on Sundays and Mondays.