For Jon Massey and Adam Stanway, their Moleskines® are much more than just leather bound journals. They’re an indispensable extension of themselves with 104 pages of expressive freedom and personal mayhem. They follow them everywhere and are a trusted artistic sidekick firmly attached to their creative tool belts.
Manchester Moleskine® is a huge, collaborative group hug and the idea is simple. An A5 Moleskine® sketchbook will be hand delivered by Jon & Adam to 52 diverse Manchester based creative’s inviting them to contribute a unique piece. The rules are simple; you have a double page spread to do with what you like. Doodle your finest masterpiece, scribble your shopping list, or even set a challenge for the next page. All they ask is that you only keep the Moleskine® for one week and bring the book to life.
Interview with City Talking here